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Good News! Xinyan Public Welfare Fund Colorectal Cancer Assistance Project Landed in Panzhihua-Xichang Region

Date of Upload::2021-08-17 Published by:韩意

Recently, the Colorectal Cancer Assistance Project named "Intestinal Plan, Intestinal Health " (“肠计划·肠健康”结直肠肿瘤援助项目) of Xinyan Public Welfare Fund (新燕公益基金) has been successfully implemented in Pangang Group General Hospital (攀钢总医院), and the first assistance work has already begun.


The first batch of aid recipients came from Panzhihua and Liangshan, including the elder workers who had supported the Third-Front Construction (三线建设). They were all suffering from intestinal tumors, with insufficient financial conditions due to illness or lack of labor in the family, which could not afford the corresponding treatment costs. The project provides them with timely and effective assistance. Under the treatment and care of doctors and nurses, all three patients have now been discharged safely.


After the operation, the doctor visited the patient.

According to data from the National Cancer Center, gastrointestinal tumors (消化道肿瘤) cases account for nearly half in China. At the same time, among the five cancers with the highest mortality rate, three belong to gastrointestinal tumors: gastric carcinoma (胃癌), esophagus cancer (食管癌) and colorectal cancer (结直肠癌), which seriously threaten the lives and health of patients. Due to spicy eating habits, gastrointestinal tumors are more common in Panzhihua-Xichang area. For this reason, timely detection, intervention and treatment are of great significance.


The project was initiated by Genertec Universal Medical, approved by China Primary Health Care Foundation (中国初级卫生保健基金会) and launched in Panzhihua-Xichang region. The project provides assistance to patient and strives to solve the practical difficulties of families. In addition, the project effectively benefits the public welfare, fairness and sharing of medical services in remote areas. It is a powerful measure for Genertec Universal Medical to shoulder the social responsibility of central enterprises to help public welfare.


In the future, the fund will further carry out more assistance projects to help patients in remote areas, improve the level of medical services, the construction of hospital departments, the clinical diagnosis and treatment methods and capabilities of medical institutions. In short, help the patient, help the doctor, help the institution.


This fund brings hope and warmth to patients with the strength of medical professionals, making sustainable contributions to the public health cause in China and safeguarding health and wellness through quality healthcare.

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